Conservation Restoration Services
Restoration and translocation plans are most effective when they provide a clear achievable long-term vision which is attained through a series of short-term goals over a practical timeframe.
This is the approach we take in writing plans as it is an effective and sensible use of scarce conservation dollars. We also encourage restoration groups to see beyond their own immediate goals and to put their particular project in the context of regional, national and even international conservation objectives.
Ecological monitoring is crucial for measuring the success of restoration activities and translocation outcomes and we encourage all restoration groups to undertake these activities themselves. Some of the technical aspects, including bird population and post-release monitoring, mist netting, banding and nest monitoring require specialist skills. Therefore, we can provide training and workshops in these areas.
Our clients have included the New Zealand Department of Conservation, the Auckland Council, the Auckland Zoo, the former Auckland Regional and Auckland City Councils, NIWA, the Wildlife Conservation Society, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Zoological Society of London and 18 community based conservation groups. We can provide references on request.
Management plans and reports 2002-present
Parker K.A., Fastier D., Joustra T., Booth M., Dryden S., Jenkinson T., Lark M., Smuts-Kennedy C., Smith E. In press. Best practice techniques for the translocation of kākā (Nestor meridionalis). New Zealand Department of Conservation.
Parker K.A., Lovegrove, T.G., McClellend, P. In press. Best practice techniques for the translocation of tīeke (Philesturnus spp.). New Zealand Department of Conservation.
Parker, G.C., Rexer-Huber, K. 2020. Drone-based Salvin’s albatross population assessment: feasibility at the Bounty Islands. Report to the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation. Parker Conservation, Dunedin.
Rexer-Huber, K., Elliott, G., Walker, K., Thompson, D., Parker, G.C. 2020. Gibson’s albatross and white-capped albatross in the Auckland Islands 2019–20. Final report to the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation. Parker Conservation, Dunedin.
Rexer-Huber, K., Parker, G.C. 2020. Bounty Islands drone trials: feasibility for population assessment of NZ fur seal. Final report to the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation. Parker Conservation, Dunedin.
Thompson, D., Sagar, P., Briscoe, D., Parker, G., Rexer-Huber, K., Charteris, M. 2020. Salvin’s albatross: Bounty Islands population project ground component. Final report to the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Wellington.
Parker, G.C., Rexer-Huber, K. 2020. Kārearea / New Zealand falcons at Adams Island summer 2019 – 2020. Brief report to DOC Maukahuka. Parker Conservation, Dunedin.
Rexer-Huber, K., Parker, K.A., Parker, G.C. 2020. Campbell Island seabirds: Operation Endurance November 2019. Final report to Marine Species and Threats, Department of Conservation. Parker Conservation, Dunedin.
Rexer-Huber, K.; Elliott, G.; Thompson, D.; Walker, K.; Parker, G.C. 2019. Seabird populations, demography and tracking: Gibson’s albatross, white-capped albatross and white-chinned petrels in the Auckland Islands 2018–19. Final report to the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation. Dunedin, Parker Conservation
Rexer-Huber, K., Parker, G.C. 2019. Characterising discharge management in small-vessel trawl and longline fisheries. Report to Conservation Services Programme. Parker Conservation, Dunedin. 43 p.
Rexer-Huber, K., Parker, G. 2019. Maukahuka indicator species 2018: Enderby, Rose, French’s, Adams and Disappointment Islands. Final report to DOC Maukahuka. Dunedin, Parker Conservation.
Parker, G.C., Rexer-Huber, K. 2019. Characterisation and mitigation of protected species interactions in inshore trawl fisheries. Report to Conservation Services Programme. Parker Conservation, Dunedin. 45 p.
Ewen, J.G., Armstrong, D.P., McInnes, K., Parker, K.A., Richardson, K.M., Walker, L.K., Makan, T.D., McCready, M. 2018. Hihi Best Practice Guide. New Zealand Department of Conservation.
Parker, K.A., Adams, L. 2018. Structured Decision Making for Planning Translocations of Yellow-crowned kakariki. Report to the Pukaha Mount Bruce Board.
Parker, K.A. 2018. Options for Ecological Restoration on Rakino Island. Report to the Rakino Island community.
Parker, K.A. 2018. Taranaki Mounga Translocation Strategy. Report to Taranaki Mounga and the Department of Conservation.
Parker, K.A. 2018. Bushy Park Translocation Plan. Report to the Bushy Park Trust.
Sagar, P., Charteris, M., Parker, G., Rexer-Huber, K. & Thompson, D. 2018. Salvin’s albatross: Bounty Islands population project. Final report to the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation, prepared by NIWA. 18 p.
Rexer-Huber, K., Thompson, D.R., Parker, G.C. 2018. White-capped albatross mark-recapture study at Disappointment Island, Auckland Islands. Report to the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation. Parker Conservation, Dunedin. 15 p.
Elliott, G., Walker, K., Parker, G., Rexer-Huber, K. 2018. Gibson’s wandering albatross population study and census 2017/18, June 2018. Report prepared by Albatross Research for the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation. 16p.
Parker, K.A. 2017. Aorangi Translocation Plan. Report to the Aorangi Restoration Trust.
Parker, G.C. 2017. Stocktake of measures for mitigating the incidental mortality of seabirds in New Zealand commercial fisheries. Report to Southern Seabirds Solutions Trust. Parker Conservation, Dunedin.
Parker, G.C., Sagar, P., Thompson, D., Rexer-Huber, K. 2017. The establishment of a marked population of white-capped albatrosses to allow estimation of adult survival and other demographic parameters, Disappointment Island, Auckland Islands. Report to the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation, Wellington. Parker Conservation, Dunedin
Parker, G.C., Walker, K., Elliott, G., Baker, G.B., Debski, I., Jensz, K., Sagar, P., Thompson, D., Rexer-Huber, K. 2017. Trial of three methods to obtain population estimates of light-mantled sooty albatross Phoebetria palpebrata at Campbell and Auckland islands, New Zealand. In: Fourth Meeting of the Population and Conservation Status Working Group. Information paper 20. ACAP, Hobart
Parker, G.C., Bell, M. 2017. Northern giant petrel population estimates and trends in New Zealand. In: Fourth Meeting of the Population and Conservation Status Working Group. Information paper 17. ACAP, Hobart
Parker, G.C. 2017. Research to inform the management of Kārearea / NZ falcon in Eastern Otago Project Report. Field season one, summer 2016 /2017. Parker Conservation, Dunedin
Walker K., Elliott, G., Rexer-Huber K., Parker G. 2017. Gibson’s wandering albatross population study and census 2016/17. Report to the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation, Wellington. Albatross Research, Nelson
Parker, K.A. 2016. Pukaha Mount Bruce Reintroduction Plan 2016. Report to the Pukaha Mount Bruce Board.
Parker G.C. 2016. Kārearea / New Zealand falcon Falco novaeseelandiae surveys before and after aerial application of 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) in the Mt Allan conifer plantation area. Report to Wenita Forestry Products. Parker Conservation, Dunedin.
Parker G.C., Muller, C.G., Rexer-Huber, K. 2016. Northern giant petrel Macronectes halli breeding population survey, Auckland Islands, December 2015 – February 2016. Report prepared by Parker Conservation for the Department of Conservation, Wellington. 16p.
Elliott G., Walker K., Parker G.C., Rexer-Huber K. 2016. Gibson’s wandering albatross census and population study 2015/16. Report prepared by Albatross Research for the Department of Conservation, Wellington. 19p.
Rexer-Huber, K., Parker, G.C., Thompson, D. 2016. New Zealand White-chinned Petrel population research update. Report to the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, Third Meeting of the Population and Conservation Status Working Group. Parker Conservation, Dunedin
Parker, K.A., Parker, G.C., Barr, B.P. 2015. Bream Head Reintroduction Plan. Report to the Bream Head Conservation Trust.
Parker, K.A. 2015. Mataia Reintroduction Plan. Report to the managers of the Mataia Restoration Project.
Parker, G.C., Rexer-Huber, K. 2015. Literature review of methods for estimating population size of burrowing petrels based on extrapolations from surveys. Report prepared by Parker Conservation for the Department of Conservation, Wellington. 29p.
Parker, G.C., Rexer-Huber, K., Thompson, D. 2015. Survey and census of Grey petrels Procellaria cinerea on Campbell Island. Unpublished report to the Department of Conservation. Parker Conservation, Dunedin.
Rexer-Huber, K., Parker, G.C., Sagar, P. and Thompson, D. 2015. White-chinned petrel population estimate, Disappointment Island (Auckland Islands). Report to the Agreement for the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels. Parker Conservation, Dunedin
Thompson D., Parker G.C., Rexer-Huber K., Sagar P. 2015. Feasibility of Monitoring White-capped Albatross at Disappointment Island. Report prepared by National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA) Ltd for Department of Conservation, Conservation Services Programme.
Parker, K.A. 2014. Pukenui Forest Reintroduction Plan. Report to the Pukenui/Western Hills Forest Charitable Trust.
Parker, K.A. 2014. Translocation options for the Wairakei Golf Course. Report to the management of the Wairakei Golf Course.
Parker, K.A. 2013. Management of bird populations on Tiritiri Matangi 2011-2021: Management Plan for Tiritiri Matangi. Internal report to the Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi Inc.
Parker, K.A. 2013. A restoration plan for the Tamahunga Forest 2014-2018. Prepared for the Tamahunga Trappers Incorporated.
Lee, J., Black, A., Parker, G., Rexer-Huber, K. (2013) Report on mortality of non-target species following year 1 of Phase 2 of the South Georgia rodent eradication. Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Stanley.
Parker G.C. 2013. An assessment of seabird by-catch in Falkland Island trawl fisheries: July 2011 to June 2012. Falkland Islands Government, Stanley.
Parker, G., Crofts, S., Pompert, J., Wolfaardt, A. and Brickle, P. 2013. In the wake of a factory trawler; research into undetected seabird mortality. In: Fifth Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group. Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP), Hobart.
Parker, G., Pompert, J. and Brickle, P. 2013. Early results from trials of a novel system for mitigating incidental seabird mortality in trawl fisheries. In: Fifth Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group. Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP), Hobart.
Parker, K.A. 2013. A restoration plan for the Tamahunga Forest 2014-2018. Prepared for the Tamahunga Trappers Incorporated.
Lee, J., Black, A., Parker, G., Rexer-Huber, K. (2013) Report on mortality of non-target species following year 1 of Phase 2 of the South Georgia rodent eradication. Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Stanley.
Powlesland, R, Parker, K. 2013. Best practise techniques for the translocation of whiteheads (popokatea, Mohoua albicilla). New Zealand Department of Conservation.
Rexer-Huber, K. (2013) Contributing to prioritisation of invasive vertebrate eradications. Falklands Conservation, Stanley.
Collen, R., Armstrong, D., Cromarty, P., Empson, R., Jamieson, I., McArthur, N., Parker, K., Parlato, E., Powlesland, R., Ward-Smith, T. 2013. Best practise techniques for the translocation of North Island robins (Petroica longipes), South Island robins (P. australis) and Stewart Island robins (P. rakiura). New Zealand Department of Conservation.
Rexer-Huber, K. (2013) Progress report on the Falkland Islands Biodiversity Database v 7. Falklands Conservation, Stanley.
Rexer-Huber, K., Parker, G.C., Reeves, M., Stanworth, A., Cuthbert, R.J. (2012) Baiting trials, winter biology and non-target species: house mice on Steeple Jason August–September 2012. RSPB Research Report No. 51. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Sandy, UK. ISBN 978-1-905601-42-4.
Cuthbert, R. J., Black, A., Rexer-Huber, K., Parker, G., Sommer, E. (2012) Field trials for the eradication of House Mice from South Georgia. RSPB Research Report No. 48 Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Sandy, UK. ISBN 978-1-905601-35-6.
Parker, G.C. 2012. An assessment of seabird bycatch in Falkland Island trawl fisheries: July 2010 to June 2011. Falkland Islands Government, Stanley.
Rexer-Huber, K., Parker, G.C., Black, A. (2012) Rat monitoring on the Greene Peninsula: pre-winter wax tag checks. Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Stanley.
Black, A., Poncet, S., Wolfaardt, A., Peters, D., Hart, T., Wolfaardt, L., Tasker, M., Rexer-Huber, K. (2012) Rodent eradication on South Georgia – preparation and evaluation: a summary report of activities during the 2011/2012 field season. Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Stanley.
Poncet, S., Passfield, K., Rexer-Huber, K. (2012) Burrowing petrel surveys: Top and Bottom Islands and Tussac Point in Port William and Sophie and Amy Islands in Port Pleasant. Beaver Island LandCare, Stanley.
Rexer-Huber, K., Parker, G. C. (2011) Captive husbandry of the Gough Island bunting and moorhen. RSPB Research Report 42. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Sandy, UK.
Parker, K.A. 2010. A report on a North Island fernbird (Bowdleria punctata vealeae) survey on Traherne Island 28-29 September 2010. Internal Report to the New Zealand Transit Authority.
Parker, K.A., 2008. Avian translocation options for the Rotokare Scenic Reserve. Internal Report to the Rotokare Scenic Reserve, Taranaki, New Zealand.
Rayner, M.J., Parker, K.A. 2007. Cook’s petrel population survey, Codfish Island 2007. Internal report to the Department of Conservation, New Zealand.
Lovegrove, T., Parker, K., Nieuwland, A. 2007. Disease surveillance of North Island robins on Tiritiri Matangi Island and at Wenderholm, Waiwera and Puhoi, 2006-2007. Internal report from the Auckland Regional Council to the Department of Conservation, New Zealand.
Parker, K.A. 2007. Report on a wetland bird survey, Awhitu Regional Park, June 2007. Internal report to Southern Parks, Auckland Regional Council, New Zealand.
Parker, K.A., 2006. A report on post release monitoring of a translocated population of saddleback or tieke (Philesturnus carunculatus rufusater) on Motuihe Island August 2005 – August 2006. Internal report to the Motuihe Restoration Project, Auckland, New Zealand.
Parker, K.; Thorogood, R. 2004. Interim report on the presence and distribution of fernbird (Bowdleria punctata vealeae) within the motorway designation, RAP21, Orewa. Internal report for the Northern Gateway Alliance, Auckland, New Zealand.
Parker, K. 2004. Report on a North Island fernbird (Bowdleria punctata vealeae) survey, Tawharanui Regional Park, July 2004. Internal report to the Heritage Department, Auckland Regional Council, New Zealand.
Parker, K. 2003. Report on a wetland bird survey, Awhitu Regional Park, January 2003. Internal report for the Heritage Department, Auckland Regional Council, New Zealand.
Parker, K. 2003. Report on a whitehead or popokatea (Mohoua albicilla) survey on Tiritiri Matangi Island, January 2003. Internal report to the Heritage Department, Auckland Regional Council, New Zealand.
Parker, K.A.; Ralph, C.J.; Miller, S.L.;Herrera, P, 2003. A preliminary investigation into avian monitoring data collected as part of the Trinity River Restoration Program, 1990 and 2002. Internal report for the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Redwood Sciences Laboratory, 1700 Bayview Drive, Arcata, California 95521, USA.
Parker, K. 2002. A short investigation into causes of winter mortality amongst a translocated population of hihi (Notiomystis cincta) on Tiritiri Matangi. Internal report for the Department of Conservation, New Zealand.
Conservation and translocation for birds, wildlife and plants.
Kārearea / NZ falcon
Working with Kārearea / NZ falcon, forestry and farm
Facilitation and decision making for threatened species management.